Aceso User Guide

Get started

Aceso Healthcare Information System is a cloud-based software. In order to access the system, you must connect to the internet.

If there is a firewall implemented in between your device and the internet, the firewall must not block outgoing HTTPS connections.

The system is expected to run on most modern web browsers. For best compatibility, we recommend you to use the latest version of Google Chrome. The web browser must have Javascript enabled.

Some of the web browsers may not support HTML5 date picker feature. As such, you must input the date in “YYYY-MM-DD” format, for example, 2017-06-18.

Access the system

Open the unique URI assigned to your clinic by Phibonacci Creativo.

You should see a secure symbol at the security status indicator to the left of the web address bar. This means the connection to the system is secured and encrypted.

Do not continue to use or access the system if the security status indicator doesn't indicate that the connection is secure. In most of the cases, your device might be running on an outdated operating system/web browser, or your device is infected by malware, or you might be connecting to the system from an insecure computer network. Contact your IT administrator or your trusted computer technician for further assistance.

You will be redirected to the login page if you haven't logged in. You should also see your clinic name on the login page. This is to confirm you are accessing the system uniquely assigned to your clinic.

First-time login

Before you can log in, you must have a user account assigned to you by your administrator. The system will randomly generate a strong password for the account without made known to anyone, including your clinic administrator.

You must reset your password before you can use the system for the first time. Alternatively, if your email is a registered Google Account, you may log in with Google Account.

Reset password

You must have access to the email inbox associated with the user account to reset the password.

  1. Click "Forgot password? Log in for the first time?" link on the login page.
  2. Enter the email address assigned to you and click "Send me a password reset link" button.
  3. Check your email inbox. Please whitelist the email from You should receive an email from with the subject "Reset Password" within a few minutes. If you don't see the email in your inbox as expected, check your junk folder.
  4. Click "Reset Password" button in the email. You will be redirected to the password reset page. For security reason, the password reset link will only be valid for single use within 60 minutes. Please repeat from step 1 if the password reset link expired.
  5. On the password reset page, enter your email address and password. You must use a complex password. If possible, don’t use any passwords used on other systems, software or websites.
  6. The system will automatically log you in and redirect you to the home page of the system after you have successfully reset the password.

If you experience any difficulties resetting the password, kindly contact us on Facebook for assistance.


Open the unique URI assigned to your clinic by Phibonacci Creativo. You will be redirected to the home page of the system if you are already logged in.

You must enter the correct email address and password to log in. The system will temporarily lock your device if you enter wrong credentials for too many times in a short period of time. Alternatively, if your email is a registered Google Account, you may log in with Google Account.

You may access the system from multiple devices at the same time. However, it is not advisable to leave your devices unattended.

Multiple users can use the system at the same time.

If you forgot your password, refer to "Reset password" in this documentation for instructions to reset your password.

User interface

Aceso Healthcare Information System is designed to be responsive to different screen sizes. Depend on the user role assigned to you by your clinic administrator, some features may not be made available to you.

On the large screen, major sections include Main Menu, Search Bar, Top Menu, Title, Breadcrumb, and Content Area.

On the small screen, major sections include Menu Button, Search Bar, Title, Breadcrumb, and Content Area.

Content Area can also be divided into multiple sections. As such, each section within a content area is an individual box or tab with its own title, content and menu.

Datatable is used to present large data sets. You can sort and filter data in the DataTable for quick data extraction.


The system will automatically log you out after 24 hours of idle. However, we recommend you to log out of the system immediately after you finish your work.

  1. Click " Logout" button on Top Menu or Main Menu to log out of the system. You will be redirected to the login page after successful logout.

Change password and edit profile

Although the system has no password expiration policy implemented, we recommend you to change your password regularly to prevent possible unauthorized access due to the password leakage.

  1. Click your on name near the top-right corner of the display. This will redirect you to the profile page.
  2. Update your password and station as necessary.

You must use a complex password. If possible, don’t use any passwords used on other systems, software or websites.

The station information is used to call the patient via the queue display board.

System administration

You must be a Clinic Administrator in order to perform the initial setup and other administrative tasks.

Set up medical services

The system uses medical services data to streamline encounter note documentation and billing process. The system categorizes medical service as Consultation, Procedure, and Imaging.

  1. Click " Administration" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Services."
  3. Enter the medical service's category, name, and price in the Add Service Box to add a medical service. If you don't want to use medical billing feature in the system, you may enter 0 for the price.
  4. If you need to edit a medical service, click the medical service's name in the Service List Datatable and update the data accordingly in the Edit Service Box.
  5. You may also delete the medical service from the Edit Service Box Menu.

Any alteration of medical service data will not update existing invoices.

Set up medications and products

The system uses medication and product data to streamline prescription writing, dispensing, inventory management, and billing process.

  1. Click " Administration" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Medications & Products."
  3. Enter the medication/product name, price, and other necessary information in the Add Medication Box to add a medication/product. Medication name shall be entered in full, with dosage form and strength. If you don't want to use medical billing feature in the system, you may enter 0 for the price.
  4. If you need to edit a medication, click the medication's name in the Medication List Datatable and update the data accordingly in the Edit Medication Box.
  5. You may also delete the medication from the Edit Medication Box Menu.

Any alteration of medication data will not update existing invoices.

Inventory management

If your clinic provides pharmaceutical services, we strongly recommend you to make full use of the inventory management module in the system. This module not only allows you to record stock movements and maintain a stock balance sheet, it can also help you notify related parties, such as your preferred suppliers when your stocks hit reorder point.

  1. Click " Stock" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Stock In" or "Stock Out" to continue.
  3. Enter reference notes, medication name, cost and quantity to record your stock movements.
  4. You may also view stock movement history from the Box Menu.

You may also adjust the stock balance when necessary.

  1. Click " Stock" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Stock Adjustment" to continue.
  3. Enter medication name, current stock balance, and notes in the Adjust Stock Balance Box to adjust the stock balance.
  4. If you need to view an existing adjustment record, click the stock adjustment's timestamp in the Stock Adjustment List Datatable. This will redirect you to the stock adjustment's page.

You may also configure an email alert for each medication at a location.

  1. Click " Stock" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Stock Alert" to continue.
  3. Enter stock alert point, and alert recipients. The system will send an alert notification via email when the stock balance hit the reorder point.

Manage users

Aceso Healthcare Information System is a multi-user system where multiple users can work together at the same time. Records entered or updated are tagged with its author information. As such, every user should have their own account in the system.

The system categorizes users into 2 roles.

  1. Clinic Administrator can perform all tasks and view all reports in the system.
  2. Healthcare Professional can only perform daily clinic operation tasks. Actions related to clinic administration, system administration, report viewing are restricted.
  1. Click " Administration" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Users."
  3. Enter the user's name, email, role, and location in the Add User Box to add a user. Other information is optional.
  4. If you need to edit a user, click the user's name in the User List Datatable and update data accordingly in the Edit User Box.
  5. You may also deactivate a user account from the Edit User Box Menu.

Deactivated users will not be able to log in to the system.

In some cases, you might also want to reactivate a deactivated user account.

  1. Click "Deactivated Users" from the User List Box Menu. This will redirect you to the deactivated user list's page.
  2. Click the user's name in the Deactivated User List Datatable. This will redirect you to the deactivated user's page.
  3. Restore access of the user by clicking "Restore" button.

Manage payers

Instead of receiving cash payment directly from patients, sometimes you might want to bill your services to a third party with credit terms. The system uses payer data to streamline these billing and payment follow-up process.

  1. Click " Administration" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Payers."
  3. Enter the payer name and credit term in the Add Payer Box to add a payer. Other information is optional.
  4. If you need to edit a payer, click the payer's name in the Payer List Datatable and update the data accordingly in the Edit Payer Box.

Any alteration of payer data will not update existing invoices.

Manage locations

If you manage a clinic group, you can add each clinic as a location in the system. The system uses location data to segregate queue and inventory of each clinic.

  1. Click " Administration" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Locations."
  3. Enter the location name in the Add Location Box to add a location. Other information is optional.
  4. If you need to edit a location, click the location's name in the Location List Datatable and update the data accordingly in the Edit Location Box.
  5. You can also delete the location from the Edit Location Box Menu.

Any alteration of location data will not update existing invoices.

Manage devices

Devices such as Smart TV and tablet can be used as queue display boards. As such, these devices should be authenticated as Device instead of User. Device can only access to the system with minimal privilege and thus make it suitable to be placed at clinic waiting area unattended.

  1. Click " Administration" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Manage Devices."
  3. Enter the device ID and location in the Add Device Box to add a new device. The system will generate a random passcode for each device.
  4. If you need to edit a device, click the device's ID in the Device List Datatable and update the data accordingly in the Edit Device Box. Passcode will be regenerated with every update.
  5. You can also delete the device from the Edit Device Box Menu.

Once the device has been added, you may authenticate it as a queue display board.

  1. Click the "This is a queue display board" link on the login page. This will redirect you to the device login page.
  2. Enter the device ID and passcode to authenticate the device.

Clinic operation

Register a patient

Aceso Healthcare Information System is a patient medical record system that is easy to set up and maintain. No MyKad readers or software plugins are required to be installed in order to make full use of the system.

  1. Click " Reception" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "New Patient."
  3. Enter the name, IC/passport, date of birth, gender, ethnic group and nationality in the Add Patient Box to add a new patient. Other information is optional.
  4. If you need to view a patient, click the patient's name in the Patient List Datatable. This will redirect you to the patient's page.
  5. You may also edit patient, print patient information, print patient card, add measurement, new encounter, new dispensation, new invoice, queue for consultation, or queue for billing from the Patient Box Menu.

The system will automatically save an original copy when you edit a patient. This original copy can only be retrieved by Clinic Administrator.

Record a measurement

Measurements such as vital signs, height, weight, and BGL can be recorded in the system.

  1. Click " Consultation" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "New Measurement" and enter IC or passport to continue.
  3. Record the measurements accordingly in the New Measurement Box, patient information and existing records are easily accessible for references on the page.

Record a medical encounter

  1. Click " Consultation" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Queue List" or "New Encounter." If you click "Queue List", you attend the patient from the queue list. If you click "New Encounter", you have to enter a patient's IC or passport to continue.
  3. Record your encounter with the patient accordingly, patient information and existing records are easily accessible for references on the page. If you prescribe in the form of "medication_description dosage frequency duration", such as "Paracetamol 500mg tablet 2 TDS 3/7", the system will automatically calculate the dispensing quantity required.
  4. If you need to view an encounter note, click the encounter's timestamp in the Encounter List Datatable. This will redirect you to the encounter note's page.
  5. You may also edit encounter note, print encounter note, archive encounter note, print prescription, print medical chit, fill precription, or queue for dispensation from the Encounter Note Box Menu.

The system will automatically save an original copy when you update an encounter note. This original copy can only be retrieved by Clinic Administrator.

The name of the medication will be auto-completed as the doctor prescribes. The system also prevents doctors from prescribing out-of-stock medications. If you prefer to bypass this auto-check, kindly talk to us on Facebook.

Upload an addendum

Other than clinical notes, prescriptions, and dispensing records, sometimes additional documents such as photos, x-ray images, and laboratory reports are also attached to the patient's medical record. These additional documents can also be uploaded to the system to prevent information silos.

  1. Click " Consultation" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "New Addendum" and enter IC or passport to continue.
  3. Enter a reference note and upload the file in the Add Addendum Box.

By default, the system limits upload to 4MB per file and only support pdf and images files. If your clinic requires customization, kindly talk to us on Facebook.

Although we don't implement any limits on storage and bandwidth, you are expected to upload only additional documents required for better patient care. As such, we assume fair and non-abusive usage among all subscribers. If our server detects you as a heavy user, we may send you a request to reduce your usage or upgrade your subscription plan.

Record a dispensation

Good dispensing practice requires pharmacists or dispensers to counter check the prescription ordered by the medical practitioner and document every dispensations carried out. As such, the dispensing record/prescription book entry shall not be automatically generated/copied from the prescription.

  1. Click " Dispensary" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Queue List" or "New Dispensation." If you click "Dispensary Queue", you can attend the patient from the queue list. If you click "New Dispensation", you have to enter a patient's IC or passport and select a prescription to continue.
  3. Enter medication name and quantity to record a dispensation. Other information is optional. However, dose entry is required if you want to print the dispensing label. Patient information are easily accessible on the page.
  4. If you need to view a dispensing record, click the dispensation's RN in the Dispensation List Datatable. This will redirect you to the dispensation's page.
  5. You may also edit dispensation, cancel dispensation, or print dispensing label from the Dispensation Record Box Menu.

Stock balance will be updated automatically.

The system will automatically save an original copy when you update or cancel a dispensing record. This orginal copy can only be retrieved by Clinic Administrator.

Record an OTC dispensation

  1. Click " Dispensation" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Over-The-Counter" to continue.
  3. Enter medication name and quantity to record your sales. Other information is optional. However, dose entry is required if you want to print the dispensing label.

Medical billing

  1. Click " Billing" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "Queue List" or "New Invoice." If you click "Queue List", you can pick a patient from the queue list to attend to. If you click "New Invoice", you have to enter a patient's IC or passport to continue.
  3. Select items and a payer for the billing purpose. You may also adjust the total amount or give a discount on it. You may mark the invoice as paid or saved. These marks are used to ease payment follow-up process and calculate revenue.
  4. If you need to view an invoice, click the invoice's No. in the Invoice List Datatable. This will redirect you to the invoice's page.
  5. You may also edit invoice, print invoice, or print dispensing labels from the Invoice Box Menu.

You may edit, re-process or void unpaid invoices. Paid invoices can only be voided but not editable. Voided invoices can only be retrieved by Clinic Administrator.

Generate a quotation

  1. Click " Billing" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "New quotation."
  3. Enter information according.
  4. If you need to view a quotation, click the quotation's No. in the Quotation List Datatable. This will redirect you to the invoice's page.
  5. You may also edit quotation and print quotation from the Quotation Box Menu.

View the price list

  1. Click " Billing" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "New price list."
  3. You may also print price list from the Price List Box Menu.

Queue management

The queue management module in the system is easy to set up and maintenance-free. No ticket printer is required to use the system.

When you attend or call a patient, the patient's name will be automatically displayed on the queue display boards.

You can also re-call or re-attend the patient from queue history page, which is linked to the queue list's Box Menu.

Schedule an appointment

  1. Click " Reception" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "New Appointment." You have to enter a patient's IC or passport to continue.
  3. Enter the appointment type and date in the New Appointment Box to add a new appointment. Other information is optional.
  4. If you need to edit an appointment, click the date & time in the Appointment List Datatable.

Your patients can also request an appointment with you online using the link, where is the clinic's unique URI assigned to you by Phibonacci Creativo.

Once an appointment request is received, it will appear in your appointment list with the status "To be confirmed". You have to review and reply to the patient manually.

Record a feedback or grievance

  1. Click " Reception" on the Main Menu. A sub-menu will be expanded.
  2. Click "New Feedback or Grievance." You have to enter a patient's IC or passport to continue.
  3. Enter the information as necessary in the New Feedback or Grievance to add a new feedback/grievance.
  4. If you need to edit a feedback/grievance, click the date & time in the Feedback & Grievance List Datatable.

Dashboard & reporting

Dashboard and reports are real-time indicators of your clinic business. They are designed to help Clinic Administrator manages clinics better by analyzing the latest trend of the clinic operation. However, it is not designed to analyze large data sets. If the system is responding slow when you try to view the report, kindly talk to us on Facebook for alternate solution.

Administrator dashboard

The Administrator Dashboard is the landing page after you logged in the system. It provides an at-a-glance view of KPIs relevant to your clinic business.

Outreach report

Outreach Report shows the latest trend of newly registered patients.

Attendance register

Clinics are required by law to maintain a register of attendance, referral, and death. Aceso Healthcare Information System updates this register automatically based on encounter note saved.

Prescription book

Clinics that provide pharmaceutical services are required by law to maintain a prescription book. Aceso Healthcare Information System updates this book automatically based on dispensing records saved.

Sales summary

Sales Summary & Customer Statement summarizes total sales over a period of time to ease payment follow-up process and account reporting.

Sales report

Sales Report shows the latest daily sales total and trend.

Aging report

Aging Report shows all receivables that are overdue.


Billable shows patients with billable encounters and dispensations.

Stock valuation

Stock Valuation estimates the total value of the stock based on the average cost of the stock entered during stock-in.

Low stock

Low Stock summarizes all stock items that below reorder point.

Queue analysis

Queue Analysis shows the latest average wait time trend in the clinic.